Chinese app and stores
First stores, then the apps.
I made these lists by myself.
If something is missing, please write in the comments at the bottom of the article! Let’s get started!
In China there is no Google Play, there is only Apple Store (Chinese)
And for Android there are hundreds of stores!
Bellow list of some popular chinese stores:
Tencent MyApp 腾讯应用宝
Aliyun App store
Baidu app store
360 Mobile Assistant 手机助手
Baidu Mobile Assistant 百度应用
MIUI app store (Xiaomi) 小米应用商店
HiMarket 安卓市场
Huawei App Store 华为应用市场
Anzhi Market 安智市场
Vivo App Store 步步高应用商
Oppo Store 可可软件商店
PP Assistant PP助手
China Mobile MM Store 中国移动MM应用商场
Sogou Mobile Assistant 搜狗手机助手
Coolpad 酷派应用商店
Lenovo Le Store 乐商店
Samsung App Store 三星应用商店
China Unicom Wo Store (中国联通沃商店
ZTE App Store 中兴应用商店
China Telecom 189 Store 中国电信天翼空间
Wandoujia 豌豆荚
AppChina 应用汇
So, for apps developers is headache, to upload their apps to many platform)
But true trend last 2 years is Wechat mini programs! Even Alipay and Baidu developing this new feature. Mini apps its convinient, because the launch fast, without downloading.
Usefull Wechat mini apps:
Guangzhou places
Guangzhou metro
Yanchentong card app
When bus will come?
Tencent cloud
And now a list of the most popular Chinese applications!
If something is missing, please write in the comments at the bottom of the article!
Wechat 微信
Alipay 支付宝
Didi taxi 滴滴出行 – or DiDi Da Che 滴滴打车-打车神器
On time taxi 如祺出行 – new taxi provider
CaoCao 曹操出行taxi
Guangzhou Metro 广州地铁
Baidu Ditu 百度地图
Amap 高德地图
Tencent map 腾讯地图
Sogou map 搜狗地图
Fanyi Baidu — 翻译百度 translator
SF Express (ShunFeng) — 顺丰速运
Dianping 大众点评
Ctrip 携程 Xiecheng (english version of Ctrip)
Fliggy 飞猪
Qunar — 去哪儿
Taobao 淘宝
Tmall 天猫
JD Jingdong Gouwu 京东购物
12306 订票助手 train tickets
Meituan Shenghuo 美团生活
Mobikе 摩拜单车 Mobaidanche
Douyin 抖音
QQ 轻聊版
QQ Music qq音乐
DuoMi music 多米音乐
Tantan 探探 for dating in China
Tencent Video 腾讯视频
Youku Tudou 优酷
iQiyi 爱奇艺
Sohu Video 搜狐视频
China Air Pollution Index
If something is missing, please write in the comments at the bottom of the article!
Alex Iurlov tour guide and bloger in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong, Macau, Yangshuo, Guilin
+79268278273 (WhatsApp, Telegram)
Wechat id: iurlov